
To start a new order: Fill out the form without logging in. Click “Submit” at the bottom of the form. If you want to check if there is already an annual order for your church, please click here or call 770-936-5324 for assistance.

Georgia Baptist Offering Materials

Shipping Information

If this order is for a First Baptist Church, please type the church name as "[City Name] First Baptist." Ex: Duluth First Baptist.
Please type the city in which your church is located. Do not use all caps or include the state unless you are outside GA.
Please keep this in your records. You will need it to login to make changes in the future.

Click on an offering below to order:

Mission Georgia Offering (State Missions)

Materials will be mailed in late July.
The envelopes have both English and Spanish text.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Free materials from your state WMU office include posters, prayer guides, and offering envelopes. All other resources, including the DVD, can be ordered from the International Mission Board at or 1-800-999-3113 (select option #3). Order the age-level International Mission Studies and Program Covers at or call 1-800-968-7301. For Program Covers, download one PDF copy for 99 cents and print desired quantity. Please contact National WMU for any questions about this process.
All posters for each offering are usually 2ft. X 3ft.
Prayer Guides are also known as Bulletin Inserts. Each prayer guide for all three offerings highlights various missionaries to pray for during the Week of Prayer.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Free materials from your state WMU office include posters, prayer guides, and offering envelopes. All other resources, including the DVD and age-level mission studies, can be ordered or downloaded from the North American Mission Board at or 1-866-407-6262. Order the Program Covers at or call 1-800-968-7301. For Program Covers, download one PDF copy for 99 cents and print desired quantity. Please contact National WMU for any questions about this process.
All posters for each offering are usually 2ft. X 3ft.
Prayer Guides are also known as Bulletin Inserts. Each prayer guide for all three offerings highlights various missionaries to pray for during the Week of Prayer.